Friday, October 12, 2012

I've been on the lookout for a black maxi skirt that I'm willing to spend the money to buy, and believe it or not, I haven't been able to locate one yet!! I looked online, and it looks as though Target has them, but I haven't been able to make it to one, and there isn't one in our little town yet. :(

At first I was reluctant to try the whole tied-shirt thing (so 90's!), but I've been seeing other people doing it so thought I'd give it a go myself. And I'm also not crazy about black-and-white (or at least not about white on top...I think black on top and white on bottom looks more modern, typically), but I don't really own a lot of button-downs. I'm so broad-shouldered that if I get a button-down to fit my shoulders, it's usually way too roomy in the waist, and if I try to fit my waist, it's too snug in the shoulders. It's a weird problem to have, I guess, but that's what I deal with. :P

So I decided to fake a maxi skirt with a maxi dress that I've had for about a million years, and I like it. I still think I'd rather have a different-colored top, though.

Maxi dress: Already had (NY&Co.)
White button-down: Already had (NY&Co.)
Shoes: $5 (Old Navy)

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