Sunday, August 30, 2009

Today my mother, sister, sister-in-law, brother's girlfriend (and her mother), and I all went to see Julie & Julia. What a great movie! A few highlights:
1. There was butter. Lots and lots of butter. And bread. So naturally I wanted a lot of butter...with or without bread.
2. One of Julia Child's famous quotes: "Never apologise." How great is that? I think as women we feel that we must constantly apologise....for our children, for our house, for our cooking, etc. etc. And it's not that we don't need to apologise's just that it's ok to have confidence. That Julia Child was one confident woman.
3. The men in the movie were supportive and reliable! Not in the "I'm-a-hero-so-I-don't-do-anything-wrong" kind of way, but in a genuinely loving way. Also, the male/female relationships were all (gasp!) marital! How delightfully bourgeois!
Definitely recommend it...I would love to see it again.

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